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Crowston, K., Østerlund, C., & Lee, T. Kyoung. (2017). Blending machine and human learning processes. In Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences.
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Prestopnik, N., Crowston, K., & Wang, J.. (2017). Gamers, citizen scientists, and data: Exploring participant contributions in two games with a purpose. Computers In Human Behavior, 68, 254–268.
PDF icon chb2016.pdf (3.74 MB)
Crowston, K., & The Gravity Spy Team. (2017). Gravity Spy: Humans, machines and the future of citizen science. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017).
PDF icon cpa137-crowstonA.pdf (1.26 MB)
Zevin, M., Coughlin, S., Bahaadini, S., Besler, E., Rohani, N., Allen, S., et al.. (2017). Gravity Spy: Integrating Advanced LIGO Detector Characterization, Machine Learning, and Citizen Science. Classical And Quantum Gravity, 34, 064003.
Crowston, K. (2017). Levels of trace data for social and behavioural science research. In S. Matei, Goggins, S., & Jullien, N. (Eds.), Big Data Factories: Collaborative Approaches.
PDF icon 160529 levels book chapter.pdf (160.85 KB)
Mugar, G. (2017). Preserving the margins: Supporting creativity and resistance on digital participatory platforms. Proceedings Of The Acm: Human-Computer Interaction, 1(CSCW).
PDF icon pacmhci083-mugarSC.pdf (254.77 KB)
Lee, T. Kyoung, Crowston, K., Østerlund, C., & Miller, G.. (2017). Recruiting messages matter: Message strategies to attract citizen scientists. In ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017).
PDF icon cpa143-leeA.pdf (127.53 KB)
Prestopnik, N., & Souid, D.. (2013). Forgotten island: A story-driven citizen science adventure (W. E. Mackay, Brewster, S., & Bødker, S., Trans.). In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2643–2646).
PDF icon Poster Final.pdf (185.83 KB)PDF icon Posterv2.pdf (651.78 KB)
Crowston, K., & Prestopnik, N.. (2013). Motivation and data quality in a citizen science game: A design science evaluation. In Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46). Presented at the Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46), Wailea, HI.
PDF icon hicss2013citizensort_cameraready.pdf (765.39 KB)
Crowston, K. (2012). Amazon Mechanical Turk: A research tool for organizations and information systems scholars (A. Bhattacherjee & Fitzgerald, B., Eds.). In IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference: Shaping the Future of ICT Research: Methods and Approaches (pp. 210-221).
PDF icon 3890210.pdf (1.64 MB)
PDF icon citizensciencesystemassemblage.pdf (74 KB)
Newman, G., Wiggins, A., Crall, A., Graham, E., Newman, S., & Crowston, K.. (2012). The future of citizen science: emerging technologies and shifting paradigms. Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment, 10(6), 298–304.
Wiggins, A., & Crowston, K.. (2012). Goals and tasks: Two typologies of citizen science projects. In Forty-fifth Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-45).
PDF icon hicss-45-final.pdf (116.59 KB)
Crowston, K. (2012). Poster: Socially intelligent computing to support citizen science. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University School of Information Studies.
PDF icon SOCS CS SOCS PI poster small.pdf (5.75 MB)
Prestopnik, N., & Crowston, K.. (2012). Purposeful gaming & socio-computational systems: A citizen science design case. In Group '12 Conference. Presented at the Group '12 Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA.
PDF icon citizensort_cameraready.pdf (946.87 KB)
