
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioThe Rebirth of CAD: How Is Modern AI Different from the CAD We Know? crowston04 years 11 months ago
BiblioAutomating the black art: Creative places for artificial intelligence in audio mastering crowston04 years 12 months ago
BiblioWhy Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation crowston04 years 12 months ago
BiblioBeyond Dyadic Interactions: Considering Chatbots as Community Members crowston04 years 12 months ago
BiblioA structurational perspective on leadership in virtual teams crowston05 years 1 day ago
BiblioThe impact of initial group characteristics on quality in online communities of creation crowston05 years 2 days ago
WAIM private documentWAIM Convergence Conference 2019 Attendees crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
Document Are We Ready For A Life Interdisciplinary rwatkins05 years 3 weeks ago
DocumentConverging Design: AI, Jobs, Job Design and Organizations crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
WAIM private documentAI, Workers, and Work Settings crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioScaling up analogical innovation with crowds and AI crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
PageWAIM Convergence Conference: Agenda crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
BiblioDocumentation and Access to Knowledge in Online Communities: Know Your Audience and Write Appropriately? crowston05 years 3 weeks ago
PageWAIM Convergence Conference 2019 Attendee survey crowston05 years 4 weeks ago
BiblioCore-periphery communication and the success of free/libre open source software projects crowston05 years 1 month ago
StoryBig Data Factories book has been published! crowston05 years 1 month ago
PageRCN management crowston05 years 3 months ago
DocumentDevelopment and Dissemination of A Capability Maturity Model for Research Data Management Training and Performance Assessment crowston05 years 4 months ago
PageLong-term Video Tracking of Cohoused Aquatic Animals: A Case Study of the Daily Locomotor Activity of the Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) crowston05 years 4 months ago
Event CalendarWork in the Age of Intelligent Machines: Key Dilemmas for the Information Community crowston05 years 5 months ago
StoryCall for papers: Organization Science special issue on Emerging Technologies and Organizing crowston05 years 5 months ago
DocumentConnected and Autonomous Vehicles in Society: An Agenda for Social and Policy Research crowston05 years 5 months ago
Forum topicMethodology crowston05 years 5 months ago
Forum topicEducation impacts crowston05 years 5 months ago
Forum topicLegal/policy/ethical questions crowston05 years 5 months ago
